Friday, June 17, 2011

Oh Blogspot, I hardly knew ye

I've moved to wordpress. Check out the new MetaMegan!

Update your links, subscribe to the new site!

See you soon for a house warming party at my new location.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Extreme Make Over - Blog Edition

I have a high school reunion that is just around the corner, and I had a 6 month plan to become fabulous before the big night. This plan mostly involved joining a gym and dragging myself there 3 times a week for the past 6 months. And I got my hair cut.

Zzzz. Oh, sorry, I was so bored I fell asleep. See also: tired from the gym.

But I decided to take a break from my constant self improvement plans to work on something else! A blog improvement plan. I thought I would start off first by blogging a lot, but then I thought, that's way too logical. First, I am going redo the whole blog, and THEN I will start blogging all the time. I'm in a hurry though because July is commenting month, and I need to have everything in place for all my awesome commentors. (Hi Laura(s)!)

First point of order:
Should I...
a.) Keep my current wonder woman graphic that I stole from the internet and cropped down to a smaller size. (Pro: Cute. Con:Stolen.)
b.) Use my facebook profile pic - (Pro: Cute, sort of anonymous, free advertizing for Jill since she took the picture. Con: Jack is in it. Would I crop him out, or photoshop Luke in?)
c.) Get someone to create a metamegan/wonderwoman one of a kind graphic. (Pro: Cute! Con: Who would do it?)
d.) Use a picture of myself as wonder woman? (Pro:Cute! Con: Horrifying if I become famous and everyone in the world sees it.)
e.) Other

Please leave your suggestion in the comments. Ha! Comment month is starting early!!!

Monday, June 6, 2011


I was really impressing myself on Sunday during my Target shopping trip with the advice I was giving myself, and since then.

1.) If all the cute dresses at target make you look like a giant whale wrapped in a tablecloth, consider purchasing cute workout gear instead.
2.) Don't try on dresses at Target, you have a job, shop somewhere fancier. You don't have time to go anywhere fancier, but that is a different story.
3.) If you buy darling new short workout shorts, just know that the day you wear them will be the day you are holding an exercise ball between your legs and waving your legs over your head. With a partner.

And now for some dubious advice from Jack:
1.) You don't need to wash your hands before you eat if you are eating outside.
2.) You should always wash your hands after you pick your nose.

This is all leading up to a money making idea that I had where I give awesome advice, but I am secretly a shill. I say, "You sound stressed. I find that a great way to relax is to build a photo book on shutterfly." Then I link to shutterfly. Ka-ching! Ad revenue.

I partially got this idea while brainstorming with my friend Laura (or one of my friends named Laura, as another friend named Laura pointed out). We thought maybe we could become nutritionists, or more realistically, quacks, and open a business where we tell people what to eat. She suggests "steamers" (Ka-ching!) I think steamers just increase the chance of running into work-weirdos in line at the microwave. I suggest biking to Whole foods for a salad. (Ka-ching! Ka-Ching!) I think conflicting advice will bring in the most ad revenue. And be the most pleasing for the readers. Who doesn't love conflicting advice on what to eat?

I can get lots of tips from this email that P&G sent me about how to improve my husband's health. Chock full of tips for people whose husbands are babies who can't take care of themselves, AND the useful things you can buy to make them healthier.

Don't worry, none of this will go into effect unless I quit or get fired from the job that pays me well enough to shop somewhere other than Target.