We had a big weekend of milestones and one of the biggest was Jack's first haircut! It's always so bittersweet when a baby gets their first haircut. With just a few snips, wisps of baby's sweet downy hair become the bangs of a little boy. As the hair gets taped into the baby book, you realize how fast those nine and half months have flown and you realize they will be in kindergarten before you know it. (Or maybe you realize that you haven't really started the baby book and it's impossible to tape baby hairs to a blog.) It's nice that his hair is out of his eyes, but so sad that my snuggly baby is growing up so fast. Or maybe the sadness, the melancholy, is just summer turning into fall, the days shortening, the steady march of time towards the long, dark, night of winter. Or maybe the problem is that his haircut is quite terrible. And really, it's hard to be seriously sad when I find myself laughing about it a lot. In a laughing
at you sort of way. Poor kid. He slept through the haircut, which the barber though would make things easier... I'm not so sure.
Luke before his first haircut:

Luke After His First Haircut:

Jack Before his First Haircut (also note how much he is eating! That was just his first helping):

Jack During:

All the boys getting their hairs cut:

Jack After and Foreshadowing about Tomorrow's Post:
Oh.my.goodness. I cant believe he slept through it! He looks so boy-ish now!
What awesome pictures! The only haircut I remember is the one where I almost cut John's ear off.
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