Kids, Puppy, Food, Bikes, Work
16 days without a post, and we get this?Star Wars is the answer. Obv.
since I have an opinion about everything - the pancake molds. my sister gave us some 'garden' ones. at first I was like, feh - or whatever that catchy expression is. but they are fun.
*singing*Megan & RMAN sitting in a tree,R-E-S-T-O-R-I-N-G
So, are we shopping when we should be working?
Not so much shopping as posting gift suggestions...
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16 days without a post, and we get this?
Star Wars is the answer. Obv.
since I have an opinion about everything - the pancake molds. my sister gave us some 'garden' ones. at first I was like, feh - or whatever that catchy expression is. but they are fun.
Megan & RMAN sitting in a tree,
So, are we shopping when we should be working?
Not so much shopping as posting gift suggestions...
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