Jack had his first trip through the pop jet fountain on Pearl Street this summer when Grandmom and Grandad were here. If only I had my camera with me then! Jack would run straight for the shooting water, only to have it disappear before he got there. Then he would stare down the hole and wait and wait, and just when you thought he was going to get a face full of water he would give up and run away as the water shot up into the air behind him. Then he'd run straight for another water spout only to have the same thing happen again and again. The suspense was killing us all. A cheer would explode with each narrow miss. On and on, as a crowd gathered, he remained dry and warm as the russian fountain roulette continued. I say dry and warm because it was about 7:30 pm and 60 degrees. More than once I considered putting a hat out to fund his college education, because he had a bigger crowd than the zip code guy. But he did finally end up cold and wet as his luck ran out. And I had nothing in the diaper bag but a spare diaper and an old bib. Grandmom took the opportunity to get Sweet Jack a new shirt.
He has as much fun as Luke did the first time he hit the pop jets, and I had a camera for that trip, as you can see above. But Dave brought the camera with him on the next trip to Pearl Street:
I laughed until my sides hurt watching him go after the the 'popped' fountain. As stated, he drew a big crowd watching him have fun and also probably wishing they were in the fountain with Jack. He never complained about being cold, only about having to leave.
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