In a nutshell, Dave works too much, and I am not only saying that because his business trip, for which he left at 2:00 pm on LABOR DAY has been extended another day. OK, I sound annoyed but really, I came up with the subject of this post when I was thinking about how awesome it is that I filled up Dave's netflix queue with the first season of Gossip Girl and I can watch it without any sarcastic "XOXO's" from the office where Dave would normally be working while I watch TV. (Love you, honey!) It's sort of hard to come up with exactly the right intro for a post about Gossip Girl though. I suppose I could have segued somehow from Sparkly Vampires right into Gossip Girl. Too late now. I need to power through the GG marathon and get this DVD back in the mail before Dave gets home. You may be wondering why I didn't just put GG in my own netflix queue. And for that I have one word. And that word is Twilight. Boo yeah. Did I mention that I put Sleeping Beauty in Luke's queue? Netflix trifecta.
And now I fight the urge to explain that I am watching/reading all this pop culture trash ironically. I am really an intellectual. For reals.
You actually have separate Netflix queues? We only have a shared one in this household. We love Netflix by the way. Hey, do you have HBO and are you watching True Blood? Good show and better books.
Lovin' it. Jack is a trooper to stay asleep after you put the pack down. I will tackle GG next. I just put 'How I met your mother, season 1' in my queue due to my new interest in Jason Segal. That young man is so talented!
tell yourself Dave is making up for 1997 - 2002.
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