In addition to the gifts I can't mention above, we made a bunch of cookies, but those deserve their own post. And the boys made wrapping paper. In fact, when I had Luke pick out the paper for Ruby's book, he said, "YOU SAID we didn't HAVE any WRAPPING PAPER!" (He may not have been as enthusiastic about the wrapping paper project as I was.) But I said, "This isn't wrapping paper!!! This is my special book making paper!!!"
But the whole point of this post, is that I have to record something Luke said today.
Luke: Daddy and I are a lot alike. Because he doesn't crash a lot. But when he does it's... it's... it's huge.
Megan: Spectacular?
Luke: Daddy has huge crashes. And it takes me a long time to think of an idea. But when I do, it's really good. See how we are similar?
Ideas for future posts:
Wrapping Paper
United Airlines
Still need to get to:
Thanksgiving recipes
Can't wit for the UA blog. SPent time on it, link to the u-tube video, and we all will have our 15 minutes of fame!
Sorry: can't wait.
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