(Long boring section about how/why I never have time to exercise edited out. )
Where is this formerly long boring story going? It's going on a 3.48 mile walk/jog. I've been contemplating walking around a big trail near our house, but I never felt like I had time to do it because I didn't know how long it would take. Today I decided, what the hail? How long could it possibly take? Well, I knew it would take longer than I had time for, so I just decided to jog. In jeans and a blouse. No big deal, I just pretended it was the 80's and I was Ally Sheedy jogging over to Matthew Broderick's house in War Games. (Except I just googled "Ally Sheedy War Games" and it turns out she was wearing SWEATPANTS in the scene I was remembering. People jogged in jeans and kangaroos in the 80's right? Or was that the 70's?) Then I saw someone else and I thought it was my friend Jen. How embarrassing! Jen is going to make fun of me! What a relief when I figured out it wasn't her. Except whoever it was still gave me quite a disparaging look! How dare you jog in jeans and a blouse in Boulder, CO! Haven't you heard of Title 9, Prana, REI, Athleta, or Patagonia? What is wrong with you?!
But I did get exercise today! And a shower, and that is a rare combo. (Yeah the shower was before the exercise, but not daaaays before.)
In the end it was totally worth it because today Lucy looks like this:

Or this:
Very funny! I see you've replaced your lovely end table with a dog crate.
What IS wrong with you?
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