Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blog Bidness

Subscribers, did you notice that you didn't get an email from me for weeks and months? Well, someone mentioned that to me, and I tried to fix it, but I made it worse. Then I tried to fix that problem, and I accidentally deleted everything. Now I am down from 1000 (ok, 13) email subscribers to 0. And I was going to do a big post about it, and how you can now resubscribe, but guess what? You won't know that because you aren't getting the emails!

Then I got sad, boo hoo hoo. For two and a half years, I have slaved away, a few days a month, building my readership to almost 20 people a day and now this. It's back to just me. I googled, "feedburner sucks" and that didn't solve my problem. I just found a blog that lost 1000 subscribers for real and then she gave away diamonds to get her readership back. I mean, it is comment month, but everyone knows the winner is just going to get a shot glass or something.

So, I think you can now resubscribe, or re-follow or whatevs. Let me know if you don't see this post. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha sob.

** Wondering about the subtitle, "
Kids, Puppy, Food, Bikes, Work"? I threw that in there because I thought maybe having that section blank was causing my feedburner woes. I don't think it was, but I haven't tried taking it out. Or making it better. I don't really like it because, well, where's the Dave? But Kids, Puppy, Food, Bikes, Work, Dave? Or Dave, Kids, Puppy, Food, Bikes, Work? Kids, Dave, Puppy, Food, Bikes, Work? Argh. I need a new subtitle. Version 2.0, Coming Soon! Or something.


molly said...

What's a feedburner?

Family of Weebles said...

Too funny! I was just getting ready to comment that I have stopped getting the email notifications. Good thing for you that I randomly click on my Megan's Blog link like once a week just in case. I don't want to miss any funny stories!