Dave and I had a rare night out this weekend, with Grandmom and Grandad in town and happy to babysit. It was 35 degrees outside so we thought, "Let's ride our bikes to
The Fox to see
Spring Creek!" We have fond and hazy memories of Spring Creek from the Keystone Beer and Bluegrass Festival, and every time they play around town we are very sad to learn that we missed it, or that I was too lazy to go. Like I said, I don't get out much. This may have been what prompted a certain Purse Girl to say, after I stopped by her house for a drink along my bike ride to The Fox, "Wow, this is going to be a big night for you, MetaMegan. You know, going out, staying out late." I'll have you know, I used to do that 5 nights a week. I had skillz. Skillz that I was looking to test at The Fox. Oh, also Spring Creek was opening for the Emmitt-Nershi Band, which is a side project for some members of The String Cheese Incident. I don't know why I am explaining that because I think people are like, "Who?" or "OMG!!!!! STRIIIIING CHEEEEEESE." I am actually sort of in the former column, which is weird because I have heard of them, probably been to a show or two, and I was still like, "Who did you say is on after SPRING CREEEEEEEK?"
So, we stopped for drinks, biked to The Fox in 35 degree weather, locked our beautiful, beautiful bikes up out front and went in for more drinks and to find a spot to watch the show. Beers in hand, we found a great spot with a ledge for your drink on the side, etc, etc, that Dave claims in the best location. We were chatting and enjoying our date, but whenever there was a lull in the conversation, I was unable to block the conversation of the people in the area just above us which was, "One Thousand and One Pet Deaths." After a while I said, "I can't take another one. Are you listening to 1001 pet deaths?" So we moved, inexplicably, to an area that was very roomy, the very back of the room, below the sound board. The band came on, they were awesome, and immediately a very tall and wide man stood right in front of me. Dave said that we were in the tall person section and it was too bad we gave up our prime location. Reminder: Pet Death One-Upsmanship is nothing I want to be near. But the tall guy moved and we were happy. Then an even taller guy appeared, and I couldn't help but laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh. Dave said, "Gigantism must be in the water." I said, "I thought at first he had a wooden leg, but I think that's how he dances. OMG, he is dancing a jig! It must be hard to dance when your limbs end so darn far away from your brain." Just then, he turned around, spread his arms (wingspan 10 feet at least) and said, "WHERE ARE ALL MY FRIENDS?"
We headed back to the bar and decided the following:
Mad Blue Grass Dancing Skillz: Rusty
Ability to Stay Up Later than 11:00 pm doing something other than spooning Lucy and watching Weeds (and/or working): Untested
Ability to Snidely Critique Random Strangers: Never Sharper
We got our drinks, gave up on the tall section and headed to the dance floor down in front. There, we were surrounded by a guy wearing a panda hat, Father Time, and a guy in a tuque dancing the robot. And a guy with a pretty good voice who seemed to really wish he had his own bluegrass band. Snidegasm.
When Emmit-Nershi came on, a few other members of String Cheese joined him for a few songs, and people were dying from the excitement. Panda was asked if he thought they'd play some song and he said, "THAT WOULD BE MY DREAM." I asked Dave, "What's your dream song? Something with words? Can I yell SPRING CREEEEK?" He pretended he couldn't hear me. Later I thought maybe I was being annoying, but he said I wasn't and that maybe it's good for me to get out of the house and make fun of strangers for a change.
Emmit-Nershi et all, was v. awesome though. They played a Blue Grass cover of Just Like Heaven which was amazing. Oddly, he dedicated it to those born in the 80's instead of those in high school in the 80's who were sitting at home instead of going to homecoming. Also odd? I think they had played one note when Dave had identified it as a Cure song.
It was a great night.