My mom has recommended the book Marley and Me but I have refused to read it. It sounds like it might be too sentimental for me, and also, if anyone was going to write about Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog - God knows it should have been me.
Fast forward to 2008, and once I started this blog I decided I would write a book. Specifically I said, "Once I have been blogging for a year, I am going to write a book." I told Dave it would be somewhat remotely related to my blog and he said, "Why would anyone buy your book, when they can read your blog for free?" Good question. Maybe some people don't have laptops, and might want to read my bon mots before falling asleep, or on the beach? Ok, probably not.
I started thinking about my book some more while reading a recent issue of
ReadyMade about self-publishing. But, what to write? Can I make a whole book out of incidents like running into the baby's room at 5 am to silently shove a pacifier in his mouth in order to get another hour of sleep, and instead banging an already injured knee on a rocking chair, screaming in pain, falling to the ground to hide from baby and writhe around until the throbbing subsides, and thinking, hey, I'll see if I can find the pacifier while I'm down here?
And then inspiration came. Marley. And. Me. I could write a collection of essays about my babies and my dog! Are you kidding me?! Babies and Dogs! Seriously, I dare you to think of a better combination! And I could write a bunch of essays about things from the past, and intersperse the 2 or 3 hilarious blog posts that I have already written. AND I had the best idea for the commenter prize! Since I plan to self-publish my book on
lulu.com, I could give away a gift certificate to
lulu.com as a prize. Then the winner could hold onto it for a couple years until my book is ready, or buy something now. Sadly, lulu.com does not actually sell gift certificates.
Since the
Boulder Bookstore gift certificate idea was sort a lame prize for anyone other than Dave and Carolyn, I decided to pick a winner and then get them a gift certificate to an independent bookstore in their town. So, I put the comments on pieces of paper and had Luke pick one out of a hat. Wouldn't you know the one winner that I can't identify won the prize!
Anonymous said...
Megan -
We're starting to doubt the Megan Mary Mary story. Ann? Marie? Rita? Alicia?
We've enjoyed the blog thus far.
Who could it be? So we picked a backup winner, which is Jane Ellen Jane. Then Luke kept picking names because he really wanted his dad to win. Ellie, you came in third, and Dave was fourth. So if we can figure out who anonymous is soon, they can win. Otherwise, the prize goes to Jane Ellen Jane.