I never finished my camping post, but I didn't need to because it was summed up so well
here. But I did want to share one funny story. The first night of camping, Jack was on day 5 of sleeping all the way or mostly through the night. I was a little worried about setbacks, but our sleeping arrangements worked out perfectly to keep the stretch going. Luke slept upstairs and the rest of us slept downstairs, but Dave slept in between Jack and I, which prevented me from sleep feeding him. I am sure I would have assumed that Jack was hungry when he started crying at 3 am, when in fact he was just cold. Dave and Jack just snuggled up and we all went back to sleep. But why was he cold? Well, I guess at some point earlier in the night he was hot, so he took off his pajamas. He woke up dressed like this:

And this is how I found his pjs in the morning:

I have a Baby Houdini on my hands.
Everyone slept so well that Luke even had a sleep over on Saturday night:

Good morning everyone!
Caroline crawled out of pajamas like that one time the summer before she was one year old. She was in there 'crying it out' for 30-40 minutes. We didn't know she was wrestling out of her pjs until Mike checked on her later that night. Boy did I feel terrible. Hence my current guilt induced lack of backbone with Audrey who is almost 11 mos and not crying it out and not sleeping thru. ; )
Hey....I know that other kid! Great pic. And I can't tell you how much fun our guy had on his "sleepover".
And seriously, were the jammies all buttoned up like that????
Oh Laura - I am sure there was no harm! Jack certainly didn't mind being out of his clothes until he got cold. Of course, now that Jack is sleeping I am back to being an expert on CIO.
And yes, jammies were all snapped except for the top button, which I had left open because it was hot.
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