I searched for a local bookstore for the contest winner and when I found one, I sent the name to Aunt Beth for approval and she said it's the best bookstore in C-bus. I bought a gift certificate and sent the info to J.E.J. Happy shopping!
And on the subject of the 19th of July song, we came up with Jack's first song today.
First, let's revisit one of Luke's songs:
Me llamo Lucas
Yo soy un Kookus
Mucho gusto! Very much!
Frijole Negro
Es Mi Perro
Mucho Gusto, not so much!
And now onto Jack's:
Me llamo Juan Pablo
No Espanol yo hablo
Pero sonrio
Como Diablo
And yes, we had dinner at the Rio. Is it that obvious? These days, instead of drinking 3 margaritas and riding my bike into a parked car on the way home, I drink one margarita and compose bad spanglish songs about my children.
But! I still had my wits about me enough to realize that I had left the pacifier next to a tree by the creek hours before and I went back and I found it! I left it right here:
Awesome Spanglish songs. I want to hear the story about the three margaritas and the parked car.
Me too!! Is that in one of your blogs?
Finally! A picture of the author!
LOVE, LOVE the pic of you and Jack. He is adorable, and his mom ain't too bad, either! :)
My Spanglish is not so good anymore. "Sonrio"??? I concur with the others, thanks for the pic. You can use it on the back of the novel.
If I had been blogging back in 1996, I would link to the three margarita story!
Glad you like the picture!
And here is the song translation from Babelfish:
I am called Juan Pablo
NonSpanish I speak
But I smile
Like Devil.
Dont they cut you off after three margaritas at the Rio? Those are some serious margaritas. What tune does Jack's song go to?
Who composed the original (Luke) song?
Uuum, I think I remember a few margarita/parked car incidences...no?!? Good times, good times...
Yes, Krista, you are directly responsible for the parked car incident. (because you wrecked on the way there and it made me so nervous I wrecked on the way home.)
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